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Schedule, Agendas and Minutes  2024 - 2025

Meeting Schedule: 


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02 2024
3:30 PM
PTSO Meeting Agenda

  • Call to Order 

  • Principal or Guest Statement - Tom Neighbour

  • Review Old business

○                 Nothing

● New Business

○ Financials
■ Truist Balance - $ - _____________

  • ○  Elections for PTSO next year

  • ○  Treat trolleys - Students going forward:

■ Senior Picnic - may provide cookies
●        Waiting on Mr. Tidewell/Mrs. Robinson

■ Final Student treat trolley Friday, April 29th ● Need to propose to Mr. Mercer

○ Treat trolleys - Teachers/Staff going forward:

■ ■

March - Thursday, March 14th - baked potato bar ● May co host with Celebration committee

April - Regular mobile trolley
May - Teacher Appreciation week Lunch - possibly, waiting on Kevin D.

○ Next meeting - March 26th - Will be a General Meeting so voting on next year's team can be done. Will also do a mail in ballot or something online.

January Meeting was canceled



Our by- laws state:

PTSO Meeting notes

BY LAWS - Section 2: TERM OF OFFICE - The term of office for officers are as follows:

  • President - 2 years - Pamela will be in 2nd year of 2 year term CLOSED

  • Vice President - 1 year - OPEN - ○ Sri has served for 2 terms and can not serve as VP again unless no one else runs. We must open this to the public.

  • Treasurer - 1 year - Jessica can run for this again since she has only served 1 year ○ We do not have to post this since she wants to keep it. CLOSED

  • Secretary - 1 year - OPEN Marketing - 1 year - OPEN


○ Each officer can serve a maximum of 2 years in any one category.


All nominees will be presented on Facebook and Instagram and in the announcements from Lisa Robinson. 

01 2024
PTSO Meeting Agenda

  • ●  Call to Order - Non meeting, just an update

  • ●  Principal or Guest Statement - none

  • ●  Review Old business

○ Non meeting - just an update ● New Business

○ Financials
■ Truist Balance - $ - 4,487.90

  • ○  We do not meet again until February. Mr. Mercer and possibly Mr. Neighbor (Lead Counselor) may join.

  • ○  Treat trolleys for the month –

    • Staff/Teachers - Soup Party - Wednesday, November 29th

    • Student - Friday, December 8th

● Who can help?

PTSO Meeting notes

  • ●  Call to Order

  • ●  Principal or Guest Statement - None

  • ●  Review Old business

● Treat trolleys going forward

● New Business
○ Jessica - what is our financial situation right now?

■ Truist Balance - $ - 3,575.44

  • ○  Time to start thinking about if you want to serve on next years PTSO board and in what capacity. All jobs (except President) are up for a vote.

    • Please see the bylaws for any questions or concerns.

    • Please let me know if you do not want to be on the board soon.

    • Please let me know if you know of anyone who wants to serve or

      volunteer. We have 3 amazing volunteers this year but none want to

      be on the board.

    • Pamela will get with Lisa Robinson to see how a vote is done and


  • ○  Teacher/staff Treat trolleys going forward

    • January - 01/24/29 - Regular treat trolley

    • February - 02/14/24 - Valentine themed - already done

    • March - 03/27/24 Baked Potato Bar

● Pamela - Order 90 potatoes from Deckers
○ Butter, sour cream, chili, chives, scallions, grated

cheese, velveeta, bacon bites, jalapenos, broccoli,

sturdy plates, sturdy forks and knives
● I need help here for set up, serve and breakdown.

  • ○  Student treat trolley - Looking at March and May

  • ○  Senior signs and Avenger applause

    • Senior signs

      • ●  For sale right now

      • ●  10 orders already fulfilled

    • Avenger applause - senior letters.

      • ●  Notice has gone out 2 times about this

      • ●  We have all the supplies to organize the letters.

■ Rising 9th grade signs
● For sale now, 6 orders so far.

November, 2023 

PTSO Meeting Agenda and Minutes


  1. Call to Order

  2. Principal or Guest Statement 

  3. Review Old business​

  4. New Business

    1. ​Jessica - what is our financial situation right now?​

    2. We do not meet again until January

    3. Treat trolleys for the month ​

    4. Gift cards for holiday lunch? - Please promote

    5. New parent Brochure - Can Sri and/or Pauli take this on?


  1. Principal or Guest Statement  - No one was online with us
  2. New Business
    1. Jessica - what is our financial situation right now?

      1. Truist  Balance  - $ - 4,487.90

    2. We do not meet again until January

    3. Treat trolleys for the month – Staff/Teachers - Soup Party - Wednesday, November 29th, Student - Friday, December 8th, 

      1. Who can help? No board outside of President - she will ask Avenger family members to help.

    4. Gift cards for holiday lunch? - Please promote - we are asking for donations on the website or physical cards to be brought in for the teacher/staff holiday gift.  Goal is a $10 gift card for each person, total of 99 employees, so $990 in gifts needs

    5. New parent Brochure - Can Sri and/or Pauli take this on? let's talk about this when we have more people in the meeting

    6. What else can we do as a fundraiser? - Let's table until next meeting

  3. ​Attended were Students, President and Vice President and Marketing

10 2023 @ 6:30 PM

PTSO Meeting Agenda - General Meeting - Via Zoom 

Alliance Academy PTSO is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 417 027 3130

Passcode: fud1qt


  1. Call to Order

  2. Principal Statement - none today

  3. Review Old business

    1. Membership - up to 45 of the 1100 families

    2. treat trolleys - Teacher only this month - done today - Sweet and salty

    3. FOCO training - Pamela

    4. New parent brochure - see attached - SEND BEFORE HAND

      1. Who can take this over now?

    5. Ms. Gunby - KM mtg regarding Holiday lock in


  1. New Business

    1. Jessica - what is our financial situation right now?

      1. Truist    Balance  - $4277.3 - Photo booth of $850 for homecoming =   

        1. $3k less than this time last year

      2. Memberships - Up to 45 families joining - out of 1022 - Less than   1 %

        1. Thermometer sign - who will make this?

        2. Go thru car rider line after school with pails - one for kids treat trolley one with teacher treat trolley - make it fun - who can collect more money - Need a Student and a teacher (Or PTSO parent) to do this.

    2. Treat trolleys for the month - Teacher only - “Soup”er hero theme - A soup bar.

      1. Pauli - can you make up a sign up genius?

    3. What else can we do as a fundraiser?

      1. Parent spirit wear - show the t shirt

      2. Crumble cookie - set dates - I have contacted them - waiting to hear back

      3. Bricks sale - to clean up the front yard area

        1. Is it even allowed - on agenda for next meeting with KM

08 2023 Agenda and Minutes

09 2023 PTSO Meeting agenda



  1. Call to Order

  2. Introduce Mr. Mercer

    1. Mr. Mercer comments

  3. Review Old business

    1. Fee change to $25

      1. $25 fee - # of people

      2. $50 fee - 

      3. $100 - 

      4. $200 - 

        1. Winner of $100 Amazon cards - Liz Bosker

    2. Next treat trolleys - 

      1. Teachers - 9/21

      2. FIRST ever student treat trolley - 9/21 - during lunch

        1. Who can work?  Volunteers were emailed

    3. Marketing - Nadine/Pauli

    4. Crumbl cooke - who wants to run with this?

      1. Date - 


  1. Who made up the teacher questionnaire of what they want/hate about luncheons and treat trolleys?  When will we have results

    1. Potato bar

    2. Soup Bar

    3. Chocolate bar

    4. Fruit

    5. Junk

    6. Cokes, Snapples and San Pelligrino waters were a big hit

    7. Something else??

  1. New Business

    1. Jessica - what is out financial situation right now?

      1. Truist

      2. Wix

      3. Memberships


    2. Mr. Neighbor added a slide to Senior night for us.  We got 2 new members from that.

    3. Easel for outside car pool to announce things like treat trolley donations needed - when may we put it out?

    4. What else can we do as a fundraiser?

    5. Can we offer a Student sign up?  

      1. What price? 

      2. What incentive?


5:35pm meeting begins

In Attendance:

Pamela Campbell - President

Carolyn Alex – Student Ambassador

Jessica Findlay – Treasurer

Sri Harathi - Vice President

Shelby Rochester – Secretary

Pauli Wade – Student Ambassador

Claire Kuhl– Student Ambassador


One teacher per meeting in the future. 

Vote for $25 for family.  Consensus is YES on the board. Will vote on at next General Council meeting.

Curriculum night QR code to join the PTSO

Two signs in carpool $14 each with QR code for PTSO membership


$2283 in the bank right now. Paid all memberships and insurances and state fees, PTo today fees, google and email fees. 


Crumbl cookies and Bundt cake fundraisers. Do we want one 

Alliance Instagram upcoming events and morning announcements


Nadine to pass over info from last year to Pauli – Pamela getting login info from Nadine and ask Nadine if she will get Pauli set up for Social.


Treat Trolley – Two moms coming to help tomorrow for the Treat Trolley. Mr. Mercer generously donated supplies.

Sign up Genius for Cafeteria Treat Trolley and Teacher Treat Trolley. 


Sept 21st is next month treat trolley. 


Questionnaire asking Teacher’s favorite things – place in teacher mailbox and they can turn back into the office or PTSO mailbox.


Are we doing photo booth at Homecoming Dance? (was popular last year). We have to see how much we get in membership fees.


Meeting Adjourns 6:09pm (Zoom ended with time limit)

08 2023 Agenda and Minutes


Please donate and join so that we may serve all families and staff at Alliance Academy for Innovation.  Let's make this the best year ever!

It's the Avenger Way

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Alliance Academy for Innovation Parent Teacher Student Organization created June 2018

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